is amazing how time flies and these children grow up. It only seems like last
week that we were celebrating his birth, and today Jesus is 12!
is that line in one of the carols that we sing: It comes in 'O little town of
Bethlehem', and includes the line, 'Christian children all must be mild,
obedient, good as he'. As a child I refused to sing it ā as a parent I sing it
very loudly! I suspect that it was written by Cecil Frances Alexander after
visiting her godchildren (she was married but didn't have children of her own)
when they were running riot.
even though he was the eternal Son of God, even though he already had an
astonishing wisdom, was willing to be obedient to his parents.
knew that he was the Son of God.
the passage we had read today, when his parents do finally find him and Mary says,
'Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you', Jesus replies, 'Why
were you searching for me - didn't you know that I had to be in my Father's
says 'your father' meaning Joseph
says 'my Father' meaning God.
[Note: For anyone, let alone a
12 year old child, who probably had not even yet had his bar-mitzvah [that
usually happened at age 13] to call God his Father, at this time, was quite
Jews had called God 'Father' in
their prayers, but it seems to be extremely rare. In 2 Sam 7:14 (echoed in
Psalm 2:7) God states that David will be his Son and he will be his Father; in
Jeremiah 3:4, the people are calling God 'Father', but God challenges them and
says it is just talk; In Isaiah 63:16 and 64:8 the prophet proclaims, 'You, LORD,
are our Father'. There may be an additional reference in Malachi 2:10, but the
father mentioned here could be God or Abraham. What does seem unlikely was that
any individual prayed to God as their Father - to do so was, at the very least,
to make a messianic claim]
other words, Jesus is asking, 'Why have you been searching for me? Why didn't
you come to the temple first? Who is my real father?'
I know as a parent that when you do lose a child (and we've been there), you
don't think rationally. You panic ā but in your panic you need to stop and think,
as best you can. And Joseph and Mary knew about Jesus. They'd had the message
of the angels, the trauma of Mary's virgin pregnancy and birth. They had run
for their lives from Herod, and lived in exile, because of who Jesus was. You
don't forget that. And so when Jesus was missing in Jerusalem they really
should have thought, "Ah, well that is obvious. Jesus is missing in
Jerusalem. Where will he have gone? He is the God-child. He will have gone to
his other Father. Let's go to the temple."
when they lost Jesus, they forgot God. They thought, āJesus - on his own in
Jerusalem - who will he have gone to? Let's go round all the relatives, the
friends, all our contacts in Jerusalemā. The one thing they didn't do was pray.
We know that, because they don't go to the temple till the third day. And my
guess is that by then they must have feared the worst. They didn't go there to
look for Jesus. They went there because by now they were desperate. They went
there to pray.
an aside, we give ourselves far more anxiety (particularly in the bringing up
of children) than we need, by using prayer as the last resort when we are
utterly desperate, rather than the first thing we do.
don't need to go to the temple, or come to church for a guaranteed connection
to God. Because of Jesus we can pray wherever we are. And although we can, in a
panic, pray 'God help me', we usually need to stop what we are doing for a
moment; if possible go to a different room (Jesus says, 'Go to your room and
shut the door' [Matthew 6:6]) and pray. And then try to sort it out.
problem is that, like Joseph and Mary, when we are out of our depth, when fear
grips us, when we are sick with anxiety - we don't pray. We become practical
atheists: it is all about what we can do.
[Note: It is also significant
that Jesus' question to his parents, 'Why were you searching for me - didn't
you know that I had to be in my Father's house', is echoed by the question
asked of the women who are again looking for Jesus; but this time they are
looking for his body after his crucifixion. The angels say, "Why are you looking
for the living among the dead? He is not here; he is risen" (Luke 24:5)]
Jesus knew that he was the Son of God.
really could have been the most arrogant of teenagers ā although in his case it
would not have been arrogance.
yet, we are told in Luke 2:51, he goes to Nazareth with his parents and was obedient to them. A more accurate translation is that he 'submitted himself' to his parents.
other words, what we are talking about here is not an external obedience, but
an internal obedience.
story is told of the little boy who is standing up in the back of the car. His
mum has been telling him to sit down. Finally dad loses it and yells, 'Sit
down, or I am turning this car round and we are going back home, and then you
will be in trouble'. The boy sits down and the journey continues in an
uncomfortable silence. And then this little voice is heard from the back,
'Outside I am sitting down. Inside I am standing up'.
Christian virtue of obedience, submission is not an āoutsideā obedience done because
we have to, or out of fear, or to get them to like you. The Christian virtue of
obedience is a freely chosen
obedience to another person.
[We are told that earlier, when
Jesus was a baby, in Luke 2:40, āAfter Joseph and Mary had done everything
required by the Law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee to their own town of
Nazareth. And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and
the grace of God was on him' (Luke 2:39-40). Now that he is 12, almost an adult
by Jewish practice, we are told, 'He went down to Nazareth with them and was
obedient to them .. And as Jesus grew up, he increased in wisdom and in favour
with God and people'.
Do you see the difference?
There is no reference to obedience before Jesus was 12. Paradoxically, it is
only as you grow older, as you begin to become an adult that you can truly
choose to be obedient to another. You can only choose to be obedient when non-obedience
is also an option.]
why are we told that Jesus chose to be obedient to Joseph and Mary?
1. It is a picture of the
divine humility:
is how Philippians 2 was lived out in Jesusā life.
we are told that: āAnd being found in appearance as a human being, he humbled
himself by becoming obedient to death ā even death on a crossā.
Christ, the eternal Son of God, who created life and being, time and space,
humbled himself ā because of love ā and became a human being.
as a human being he humbled himself before other human beings; he allowed
himself to be subject to human laws and to human authorities.
ate his sprouts not because he wanted to, but because Mary told him to ā and he
had chosen to be obedient to her.
later in life, he allowed himself ā the judge of all people ā to stand before
Pilate, and to be sentenced to death.
subjected himself not just to God, but also to human authorities ā even when
those human authorities completely messed up
2. It is recognition of the
role of parents
role of parents is recognised in the fifth commandment: āHonour your father and
mother so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving youā. It
is often pointed out that the fifth commandment is the only commandment which
has a direct blessing associated with it.
is so much that could be said here! All I note is that if Jesus recognises the
importance of parents, then we dismiss the idea of the importance of fathers
and mothers to our own risk. A generation which respects and honours previous
generations, which does not always think that change is good and which does not
assume that it knows best, is going to be, inevitably, live in a more stable
society than one that does not.
3. It is an example to us
Jesus chose to be obedient to his parents, then as people who follow him, we
too are called to be obedient ā not just to our parents, but to those authority
structures which we find ourselves under.
we need to be careful here.
is the obedience that is motivated by fear, compulsion or the desire to please
there is the obedience which is motivated by the love of God.
Christian tradition really does not get hung up about rights.
is probably one of the reasons why Christians have not always been in the
forefront of the fight for civil liberties. Yes, there have been some shining
lights. One thinks of Wilberforce and the emancipation of the slaves; one
thinks of Martin Luther King and the struggle for racial equality in the United
States. But on issues such as women's rights or the rights of oppressed
minorities, we've never been completely in the forefront. We always seem to be
following a secular agenda.
there is a reason for that: and it is not that Christians are racist or
misogynist (although we have been at times and need to repent). It is not
simply because Christianity has colluded with the powerful and the status quo
(although, again, we have and we need to repent). Rather it is because
Christians have never put asserting their individual rights very high on the
agenda. They are not primarily concerned about external freedoms, but about an
internal freedom. And they have not, like society, made civil liberty and human
rights their ultimate God.
Christians are called quite explicitly not to assert their rights, to submit to
one another out of reverence for Christ [Ephesians 5:21], which means to look
to consider the other person as better than myself, and to look for their
interests and not just my own [Philippians 2:3]. And that is an expression of love.
while the New Testament does teach that if a person can improve their situation
(without pulling someone else down) they should do so [cf 1 Corinthians
7:21-22], we should never make that our goal in life.
our goal in life is love: the desire to be united with others, as brothers and
sisters, in the Lord Jesus Christ, and so the New Testament calls us to be
obedient to those under whose authority we find ourselves in order to win them
over for Christ.
for instance, in a society in which wives were treated as objects which
belonged to their husbands and were expected to submit to their husbands, Peter
writes in 1 Peter 3:1 āWives in the same way submit yourselves to your own
husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behaviour of their wives,
when they see the purity and reverence of their lives.ā In other words the key priority
is not the assertion of rights, but love that seeks for others to come to know
the love of God.
if, for a moment, I can flip this around and speak about those times when we do
exercise authority over others, please remember that this kind of āinsideā
obedience can never be compelled.
course as parents, officers, teachers, employers we can demand outward
obedience. There are times when it is necessary to do so. We can sing that line
from āO little town of Bethlehemā very loudly. We can compel them to sit down
on the outside. But that is not the sort of obedience that is being spoken of
if we are to allow our children or the people who work for us, to discover the
true freedom of inward obedience, which comes from God and the Holy Spirit, then
your task is not to get those people to simply do what you say. Your job is not
to rule them, but to genuinely serve them, so that they are lifted up, exalted,
and given independence to become fully mature adults.
a completely free adult can truly obey.
if they choose to walk away from us, to reject all that we stand for, even to
spit in our face, it will hurt like hell. God knows.
4. It is an example of Jesusā
total trust in the purposes of God.
reason that Jesus was able to be obedient to very flawed human authorities, even
a human authority who sentenced him to be tortured and then executed, was
because he was absolutely firm in his identity as Son of God, and he was
absolutely convinced that the purposes of God would triumph in the end.
as a Christian, whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself in the ladder
of life ā at the top or at the bottom; or if you find yourself in an incredibly
difficult or painful situation which you simply cannot change ā you can still
choose to love and, if necessary, choose to obey - because, as a Christian,
like Jesus Christ, you know that Godās purposes will ultimately triumph, that
the experiences you face in this world are preparing you for a weight of glory
that you cannot imagine, that you belong to another world, that you are deeply
and profoundly beloved child of God.
You make a lot of beautiful observations in this post. I would push back against your statement that neither Mary nor Joseph prayed until the third day of looking for Jesus, however.
ReplyDeleteEven in those times, Jews did not exclusively pray in the temples. It is highly likely that Our Lady and Saint Joseph - not merely because they were singled out from humanity to be the parents of Our Lord; not merely because they were full of grace; but also because they had lived in Jesus' holy presence for 12 years by this point - were closer to God and more prayerful than any person to ever have existed, aside from Christ Himself. It is inconceivable that such God-fearing, God-loving people could forget to appeal to God for three days, in their greatest need.
It would be more sensible to assume that, rather, they 'prayed without ceasing', as we are called to do in Thessalonians.
As someone who grew up with seven siblings, and now a mother with six children of my own, I would also push back against the suggestion that a person cannot be truly obedient until their teens. Children can, from a very early age, disobey their parents; and by your qualification, a child who can choose the alternative of disobedience, can also give true obedience by an act of free will. I would say that the notorious 'terrible twos' are a very good example of a period during which most children are discovering and exercising their free will, and so tend to begin to disobey, and also to choose to obey even under very difficult circumstances.
All in all, a great article, though. It's wonderful to contemplate (and imitate!) the humility, patience, and docility of Our Lord, and to imagine what His life was like, that does not appear in the Bible...