Luke 10.25-37 Jesus tells this story – it is known in English as the Parable of the Good Samaritan – in order that we might ‘Go and do likewise’! Click here for the audio of the talk Jesus is clarifying what it means ‘to love your neighbour as yourself’ In the Old Testament the people of Israel are commanded by God to Love Him and put Him first. But they are also commanded to love their neighbour, who is specifically described as the alien and stranger living among them, ‘as yourself’. In other words, it is a command to love the other person as if they were one of your own, as if they were наши. Elsewhere, Jesus teaches that we are ‘to do to others as you would have them do to you’. (Matthew 7.12). And here, Jesus tells us the story of the Good Samaritan and tells us to ‘go and do likewise’ It is a story of a person in very obvious, clear need. He has been beaten-up and he is almost dead. But, and I found this very helpful, it is the Good Samaritan who comes across the man who is beat
about God, life and the things that really matter