Matthew 6:1-6,16-21 Our gospel reading is about secret things It is about what is going on deep in here, in our heart. It is about what we treasure, what we long for and what we desire What is it that we really want – more than anything else? Do we want love, honour, vindication, security, possessions, power, peace, revenge, the gratification of our human desires – whether through sex or food or drink or something more. Or do we desire intimacy with God in the secret place? Problem here is that the people who Jesus is speaking said that intimacy with God was their greatest desire, but in reality their desires were set on very human things. God had become a means to an end. Religion, spirituality had become a means to an end. They gave in order to gain recognition They prayed in order to be honoured They fasted in order to impress others - the others who matter to them. But, says Jesus, if your desire is for God, for intimacy with your Father i
about God, life and the things that really matter