Ephesians1.15-22 This is a good passage for an Annual Meeting Paul writes to the Ephesian Christians and he thanks God for their faith and love. listen to ‘Three big prayers: a talk for the parish AGM 2015’ on audioBoom 'Ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, I have not stopped giving thanks for you' (v15) This is a community of people who love God and who love one another. And Paul thinks of who they have at the very centre of their lives: when I heard about ‘Your faith in the Lord Jesus ’ When I look at the Christians in Bury St Edmunds and specifically at St Peter's and St Mary's, I see so much to give thanks for. Your love for the word of God, your desire that Christ will be preached and made known, your prayer for each other, for other Christians and for people in all places; for your love for each other, the care and support that you show, the small groups, your hospitality and generou
about God, life and the things that really matter