How can we change the world?
It is an important question. It is also part of our Diocesan
vision: ‘To grow in influence’
How can we be salt? How can we influence society – bring
healing where things are going bad, preserve what is good, and add flavour to
what has gone flat?
How can we be light? How can we show people the way to
Jesus, and to the good life, in a world that can be very dark and in which so
many have lost their way?
Perhaps we need a new Constantine?
Constantine lived 272-337AD, and our history books tell
us that he was probably one of the most significant people in the history of
Europe. It was because of his decision, that Christianity became the religion
of the empire, and subsequently the dominant political and cultural force for
almost 2000 years. It is because of him that so many of our laws are rooted in
the bible.
And surely, if we wish to grow in influence, we should be
praying for significant godly leaders, politicians, academics, broadcasters,
even celebrities: people who will shape the culture in which we live and
influence this nation and Europe for Christ and for good.
Or perhaps we need people of significance who can
influence the church: that God will raise up in our generation evangelists like
Wesley or Whitefield or Moody or Jonathan Edwards (not the triple jumper!) or
Billy Graham. We should be praying for a new influential spiritual figure, with
a significance that touches many for Jesus: a new Mother Theresa, CS Lewis, John
Stott or Henri Nouwen. We should be praying for real spiritual leaders who can
make a difference.
I suspect that most of us think that if we wish to
influence people and society we need to go big. We need big people, with big
ideas and big power and big events.
But that is not what Jesus teaches.
If we look at vv13-16, you will notice that Jesus does
not tell those who are his followers, his disciples to become salt and light. He doesn’t say to them, ‘Be saltier’ or
‘Shine more brightly’. Instead he says to them:
‘You are the
salt of the earth. Keep your saltiness’;
‘You are the
light of the world. You can’t be hidden’.
And please remember that Jesus
was not speaking to political or religious or business leaders; he was not even
speaking to a big crowd. Instead, although a large crowd has gathered, he specifically
goes away from the crowds (v1) and chooses instead to speak to his disciples,
his first followers: fishermen, tax collectors, freedom fighters and some of
the women who were already following him.
And it is precisely these sort of people, and not the
rich and strong and powerful, who will influence and shape people – not just
for a few years, or for a lifetime, or even for 2000 years. They will influence
people for eternity. It is these people who will be ambassadors for the Kingdom
of God. They are the real game changers.
So what are these game changers like?
Well, in vv3-12 Jesus describes the heart of a woman or
man who is following him.
They are the poor in spirit.
These are not the people you would expect to be game
These are the people who have realised that they are
nothing, but that God is everything. They live not by trusting their own
abilities or gifts, but by trusting him. They have no self-confidence but
complete God-confidence. Catherine of Siena was praying one day when she heard
God speak to her. He said, ‘There are only two things you need to know. You are
she who is not, and I am He who is’.
So people who are poor in spirit have nothing to prove and
nothing to lose. They know that they are known by God and beloved by God. They
know that everything they have is unmerited gift from God. They live in a
constant daze of gratitude and thankfulness. They pray. And they are set free
to love and to serve.
They are those who mourn.
How can those who weep change the world?
Well, perhaps they are the honest ones. They realise that
life is not simply about moving from one party to the next. It is not about a
constant smile.
We tell people to smile for the camera. It is a very
cultural thing. In earlier times you never smiled for the camera. If you look
at the photos of your great grandparents, it is all very formal and they all
look serious. Why? Is it to show the
world that we are enjoying ourselves? It is what we want to say to eternity:
‘It was all about enjoyment’.
But the person who mourns is the person who is real. They
can be game changers because they are prepared to look at the pain, to take the
pain in, and bring the pain to one who has taken onto himself all the pain, and
so is bigger than the pain.
They are the meek.
These are the very last people we would expect to change
the world.
They don’t push themselves forward – they push others
forward. And that is not because they have a sense of inadequacy, but because
they delight to see others use their gifts and grow in their gifts.
Meekness is not about weakness. It is not a ‘The meek
will inherit the earth if that is OK by you’. Think of a stallion at a dressage
competition. It has immense power, but it is power that is submitted to
In CS Lewis’, The
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Aslan – the king, the Christ figure –
walks into the camp of the evil witch. Even though he has more strength than
all of them put together, he allows them to bind him, to shave his mane, to
mock him and to kill him. He chooses to do it in order to save Edmund.
They are those who hunger for righteousness.
They are game changers because they have a different set
of values. They don’t hunger for the things that this world hungers for. They
are not out for money, for status, for comfort, for new experiences, for power
or for things. Significantly they don’t even hunger for influence. Instead they
have a deep longing for God and for the things of God.
On one occasion Jesus is told that Herod has made a death
threat against him. Jesus says, ‘I am not going to change anything. I have to
do the work that I have been given’. On another occasion he spoke about what he
ate. He said, ‘My food is to do the Father’s will’. He hungered for
righteousness. Doing what God wanted was his daily bread. It is what sustained and
strengthened him.
Game changers are people who begin to have that deep
passion, who hunger to see God’s will done.
They are those who are merciful.
The world tells us that we have to stand up for
If someone hurts us we need to show them that we can’t be
messed with.
And if we feel that we have the right to get what we can
from them because of what they have done to us – then we should exercise that
right. We should make them pay.
Mercy is so radical because it is the opposite. Mercy
begins by recognising how much God has let us off what we owe him, and it is
about letting the other off the debt that they owe us.
It is not the people who are out to get revenge who will
change the world. They are just playing the world’s game of dog eat dog. No,
the people who make the real difference are the people who say, ‘I forgive’.
They are the pure in heart.
The pure in heart are game changers because they are
totally sincere. They know themselves. There is no pretence, no image. What you
see is what you get. What is on the outside is what is on the inside. Their
visible motives are the same as their invisible motives. They are rubbish at
lying. In this world they are almost child-like, naive. But they are beautiful
people and one day we will see that beauty and all our mockery or
self-justification will be silenced.
They are peace makers.
I am not speaking of the big stuff, but the little stuff.
They want enemies to become friends. They weep when people are in conflict with
each other, not because they hate conflict (often peace makers have to be
prepared to allow the anger and hatred to be directed at themselves), but
because they know that God created us in a way that meant that we need God and
we need each other.
Peace makers are reconcilers: they want people to be
reconciled to one another
Peace makers are evangelists: they long that people would
be reconciled with God.
And now we come to the most surprising category:
They are the ones who are persecuted.
The people who are the salt of the earth and the light of
the world are not the people who exercise power. They are the ones who those who
exercise power persecute.
They are not persecuted because they are arrogant or
offensive (and I am conscious that we can be very arrogant and offensive), but
because they are prepared to make a stand for God, for righteousness, mercy,
purity and peace – even when they do it in a way that is gentle and shows great
respect for others.
In God’s economy it is not the man with the club who is
the game changer, but the man who is being beaten.
Our history books tell us that the game changers are the
powerful, clever, attractive, rich and significant people in human history.
But God’s history book, while it will include those who
have had roles that our secular world considers significant, is packed full of
very ordinary people who have done very ordinary things in the name of Jesus.
Jesus said that if you even just give another person a
glass of water in his name then you will receive your reward.
I think of Jenny, who is in hospital now and who has been
given only a few days more to live. All she can do is lie on the bed, and she is
at times in quite a bit of pain. A few weeks ago one of the junior doctors who
is caring for her spoke with her. He said, ‘You’ve got a faith. I wish I could
believe’. And Jenny, who is now, in the world’s eyes, one of the least of all,
is gently continuing to speak about her faith about her Lord Jesus. That is
what it is to be light.
I think of one of the mums in our church. Her mother was
struggling with a very painful leg. So she said, nervously, ‘Can I pray for
you?’ She prayed that God would heal her mother’s leg. God healed her leg, and
it was so real that her mother was in tears for all of the next day.
I think of Stuart. He was a young man who worked with us
in London. He was a gifted musician. But when he was a student at York, he told
of how on one occasion he was invited to lead a time of worship at St Michael
the Belfrey. It is a large student church. He had never done it before. He
spoke of how nervous he was. But as he stood up and led the worship, the Holy
Spirit came on the place with astonishing gentleness and power – God met with
people and they were changed. That is what it is to be salt – to do what you
are called to do in the name of the Lord Jesus, often out of your depth and
trusting not in yourself, but in him.
Do you wish to be a game changer, a history maker?
You probably won’t become a new Constantine
You probably will not be a new Mr Theresa or Billy
All you and I need to do is to do what these first
disciples had done.
They came to Jesus and they listened to him. They confessed
their sin, their self-reliance, that they had hungered after the things of this
world and not the things of God.
And they turned to Jesus. They believed him when he said
that God’s Kingdom, God’s rule was very close. They put their trust in him, they
allowed his Holy Spirit to work in them and they began to live for his Kingdom.
You don’t need to read more books, or go on more courses,
or get better qualifications to become salt or light. Instead you need to recognise
that you are nobody and that Jesus is everything. And you need to throw
yourself on Jesus, possibly take a risk or two, trust him with your life and be
[When, in a few minutes we come to communion, we come
empty handed. We are nobodies with nothing. And we simply come to receive.
Just as we have received God’s gift of life, so we
receive his gift of forgiveness, of mercy and help in our troubles, we receive his
promises, his strength and his presence.]
That is how we will change the world.
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