Revelation 1:4-8
Creation Grace
Sovereign grace
and peace to you'.
I guess
it is what we need in the Church in abundance after the events of this week.
Some of
us will be very disappointed and wonder what the Church is playing at.
among us will be delighted that there is still a place for us, with our
understanding about what the bible teaches about male headship, within the
Church of England.
And we
need grace because it will be just too easy in the next few months for
positions to harden and for people to say foolish things.
personally pray that we will very soon have women bishops but that there will
still be a place in the church for those who hold to a more traditional
But I am
grateful that today is the Sunday when we remember that Jesus Christ is the
ruler of 'the kings of the earth', because it puts things in some sort of
And our first reading today begins with those words, 'Grace and peace
to you'.
There are
echoes here of the message of the angels at Jesus' birth: 'Glory to God in the
highest and peace on earth among human beings' (Luke 2:14).
And in our passage, God gives
to us grace and peace (vv4-5), and we respond by giving him praise and glory
it really does all begin with the grace and the peace that is given to us by God.
He has
given us so much. At a general level he has given us life, love, friendship,
light, our senses, our desires, beauty, music, this universe and our planet,
food and drink and the many 'things' which fill our lives.
We did
nothing to deserve any of those things - they are all a gift of God's grace.
lavishes his grace on us. It is like custard on a jam roly-poly pudding. God
gives us the pudding, and then he pours the custard on top of it. But he
doesn't just give us a little bit of custard, a taste of custard. He pours it
all over. He submerges it in custard.
Now you
may not like jam roly-poly pudding. You may not like runny custard. But I trust
you get the point. God is generous; he is gratuitously generous. We've done
nothing to deserve it. It is sheer gift.
And the
grace of God does not stop there.
his astonishing generosity, we rejected God, we rebelled against him - and that
is sin.
Sin is
when we delight in the things that God has given us, but forget God.
We are
like the beloved who has been given a precious ring by our lover. We adore it. we treasure it. It is beautiful and incredibly valuable. We show others the ring. But in our obsession with the ring we forget the one who
gave us the ring. We think how wonderful, how special, how beautiful we are
because we are wearing the ring. And when others reminded us that the ring is a
gift from our lover, we told them to be silent; and when the lover himself
came to us - we crucified him.
We have
crucified the Son of God, the one who was there in the beginning with the
Father, the one through whom all things were created, the one who is the
rightful ruler of all human authorities. I know we weren't personally there when
he was crucified - but every time we take his gift and forget him or turn our back on him, every time we stop
our ears to his voice, every time we try to live our life without reference to
him or in dependence on him - we are joining with those who did crucify him.
And so we
miss out on the most astonishing gift that God wishes to give us - not the
ring, but his love and his friendship.
That is
why when Jesus returns there will be mourning. It is a quote from Zechariah
12:10, and it speaks of the time when people will look on the one they have pierced and realise what they have done. On that day, we
will understand what we have done, and we will weep.
Saving grace
But God
could not leave it at that.
He loves
us. That is why he died for us. He has freed us from our sins 'by his blood'.
Manning, the author and writer, tells of how he came by the name Brennen. As a
young man he served in the war with a friend called Ray Brennen. On one
occasion they were sitting together sharing chocolate, when a grenade was
thrown into their trench. Ray turned to his friend, smiled and threw himself on
the grenade. As a result Brennen survived. Later when he became a priest he had
to choose the name of a saint to be his name, and because of his friend he
chose the name Brennen. Many years later he was speaking to Ray's mother and
asked her, 'Do you think Ray really loved me?' She got up, jabbed him with her
finger and shouted, 'Of course he loved you. What more do you think he could
have done for you?' Brennen said that moment was like an epiphany. He imagined
him asking God, 'Did Jesus really love me?' And God stands up, jabs him with
his finger and shouts, 'Of course he did. What more do you think he could have
done for you?'
- Because of Jesus' death for us we can be set free from sin - so that the controlling part of our brain which was God-dead, God-blind and God-deaf becomes God-alive.
- Because of Jesus' death for us, we can live for him, we can begin to respond to his love. Of course we will stumble and let him down; but because of Jesus death there is forgiveness and we can always again turn to him.
- And because of Jesus' death for us, he has given us a glorious destiny and purpose.
He has, we are told, made us a kingdom. I love that: he hasn't given us a kingdom - this is not
talking about territory - but he has made all who trust him into a kingdom.
Don't look for Jesus' kingdom in this town or in that country.
Don't look for
it in this or that church institution.
Look for it in the hearts of men and
women who have turned to Jesus, who seek to love him and serve him, and who
seek to show his love first to their brothers and sisters in Christ, and then to the wider world.
And more
than that: he has made us priests - all of us, men and women. You don't need
one of these collars to be a priest in this sense. We each can stand in the
presence of God; we each can speak to others in the name of Christ.
said, "Not only are we the freest of kings, we are also priests forever,
which is far more excellent than being kings, for as priests we are worthy to
appear before God to pray for others and to teach one another divine
And because of Jesus we are persuaded that death is not the end. Jesus not only died for us, but he was
raised from the dead. He is the firstborn of the dead.
And there
is another astonishing gift of God's grace that we are shown here.
struggle to understand what is going on. Our world, our church and our lives are messed up. Things do not make sense.
I wonder
if you can read this:
"The hmuan
mnid is a wndoreullfy cpoemlx oargn. You see? It deosn't mttaer in waht oredr
the ltteers in a wrod aeappr, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is that the frist and
lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can
sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the human mnid deos not raed
ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig isn't it?"
But when we know the beginning and the end, then we begin to realise that it can make sense.
But when we know the beginning and the end, then we begin to realise that it can make sense.
Revelation 1:4-8 speak of God the Father as the beginning and the end. It speaks of him as the Alpha and the Omega, the first and last letters of the
Greek alphabet. He is the one who was before all things, who created all
things, and who will bring them all to the remarkable conclusion that he has
for this world.
And the
book of Revelation also speaks of Jesus Christ as the beginning and the end, as the Alpha and the Omega.
And so even though our world can be a dark and confusing place, and even though we have no idea what is going on, we do know the one who is the beginning and the end. And He is in control.
So do not
Do not despair of yourself - if you have come to Jesus, he will sort
you out.
Do not despair for the Church of God - it really is his church: and
individual churches will grow and decline, and denominations will come and go - but
the Church, the people of Jesus Christ will grow.
Do not despair for this world - because
Jesus Christ is the one who is ultimately in control, and it is his purposes which will ultimately triumph.
It is
when we understand the astonishing grace of God that we can live at peace with
each other, even if we disagree on something as significant as what the bible
teaches about the role of men and women.
We realise that we have so much more
in common:
- the abundant goodness of God in creation;
- his astonishing love for us shown
in the death of Jesus
- his setting us free from sin
- his destiny for us as a kingdom and priests to serve him
- his raising of Jesus from the dead, as the firstborn of the dead
- his anointing of Jesus as the ruler of the kings of the earth
God, with his Son, is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end.
And so we
can afford to be generous to those who disagree with us.
As believers
in our Lord Jesus Christ we recognise that we are all forgiven sinners; that none of us
has got it sussed; and that in the end the purposes of God will triumph.
It may
not be obvious, at least here and now; but it will be obvious in the future: He
will return, and every eye will see him.
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