Luke 4:1-12 The temptations of Christ. The Basilica of San Marco, Venice c1100-1150 The story is told of the boy whose parents found out that he was swimming in the river on his way home from school. They told him that he was not to do that. The following morning, mum thought it was wise to check his bag. She found in it a pair of swimming trunks. She said to him, ‘I thought I had told you not to go swimming on your way back from school’. And he replied, ‘It is OK mum. I wasn’t going to go swimming. I packed them just in case I was tempted’. Today, as this season of Lent starts, we read about the temptations of Jesus. Jesus is led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted Interestingly, we pray a bit later in this service, ‘Lead us not into temptation’. We will look at that in our Lent course on the Lord’s Prayer, but I wonder whether one way to think about this is to consider that there are two kinds of temptations. There are those temptations which are too strong for us and wi...
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