Luke 9:28-36 Today, on this last Sunday before Lent, we read of how Peter, James and John see the transfigured Jesus. They have been taken up a mountain by Jesus – it is a real mountain, you can go there today – and he is changed. His appearance changes. Matthew tells us that his face shines like the sun, and his clothes shine with dazzling, brilliant whiteness. And they see Moses and Elijah with him, both of them long long dead. Moses was the one who God used to lead the Israelites, who were slaves in Egypt, out of Egypt, through the wilderness into the promised land. That is what we call the Exodus. He went up on a mountain and was given the law, what we know as the ten commandments. He is described as a prophet, and he met with God face to face. Elijah was born about 1300 years later. He too was a prophet. He came at a time when the people of Israel had committed apostasy and walked away from God. He too met with God on a mountain. And Elijah is one of the two people who we are told...
about God, life and the things that really matter