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Showing posts from October, 2024

Do I have to sell everything that I have to follow Jesus?

Mark 10.17-31 [Note to congregation on why I hand out the text.  Please feel free to take it home with you. It would be wonderful if you chose to reread it, to think it through for yourself. Possibly to learn a verse. To live with it. And the purpose of this talk is not to give you a correct interpretation of the passage (I could not do that: and almost certainly I will have missed what you might think is the most important part of the passage), but to give you a fascination for the passage – and a desire to look at it again. And if you do, then I will have done my job ]. A man comes to Jesus. He seems to have everything He is young (Luke): life is ahead of him He is a ruler (Matthew) and has influence and power He is morally upright: he has kept the commandments (there is no reason to doubt him) He has wealth, and all that it offers: openings, security, comfort and status But he is not satisfied. He knows that something is missing, there is something more. It is bugging him. He runs