We live in complicated times There is much darkness. Evil is done There are many alternative truths slopping around “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Psalms 11:3 An audio of the talk can be found here People are lost, confused, fearful; there is great suffering, pain and despair As we celebrate a new roof, others have no roofs. As we sit in warmth, others have no heating. We face forces that threaten to overwhelm and extinguish us - and we have become acutely aware of our human foolishness, weakness and deep vulnerability But this night is a night of good news It is the news that God has not abandoned us, not given up on us, but come among us ‘The Word became flesh’ The One who was with God in the beginning, through whom all things are created, becomes one of us, and is - of all things - placed in a cattle feeding trough When the angels speak to the shepherds, they tell them that there will be a sign that the child they see really is the Son of God. The sig...
about God, life and the things that really matter