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Showing posts from February, 2018

Praying the Jesus Prayer. Some notes.

What is the Jesus Prayer? A very simple repetitive prayer, which helps us to focus, to centre the mind on Jesus Christ in routine things of life. Nothing magic about the words. At its heart is nothing less than the invocation of Jesusā€™ name. Several versions Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me/us Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, mercy on us and all the world Lord Jesus have mercy The Jesus prayer in the Bible Matthew 9:27 (two blind men) ā€œHave mercy on us, Son of Davidā€ Matthew 15:22  ā€œ Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possessionā€ ā€“ note how she asks for mercy on her and then prays for her daughter. Why? Because she loves her daughter Matthew 20:30 Two blind men:  ā€œLord, Son of David, have mercy on usā€ Mark 10:47 Bartimaeus: ā€œJesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!ā€ (cf L...

Jesus in the wilderness

Mark 1.9-15 Today Iā€™d like to look at just two verses (v12-13). Jesus is in the wilderness. And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness for forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels waited on him. The wilderness is a dry and barren land. It is hard. When we are in the wilderness we are weak, vulnerable, empty and lonely. We cannot depend on any of the things that we would normally rely on, and we are subject to forces that are much more powerful than us The wilderness is the place where we know our poverty of Spirit: we are not in control, and the things that we normally put our trust in are useless It is the place of mourning: where all that we cherish is lost to us, whether habits and rituals, comforts, possessions or people. It is the place of meekness: where we are stripped of pride, where all our achievements and successes and status count for nothing. We may find ourselves in...

Hope and the transfiguration

Mark 9.2-9 Weā€™re well into February, had long periods without sun, the snow is frozen and there is still a long way to go before the spring.  And life for many is hard. Some of you work long hours without much pay, doing jobs that you don't enjoy. And some are stressed at work or home.  Relationships are going pear shaped. Or we face sickness: our own or somebody elseā€™s. This week I spoke with three people who need urgent medical treatment and are not able to afford it. And for some, it is not just hard but brutal. Again this week I visited the MPC centre and have also spoken with other people working with refugees and people who have been trafficked. Iā€™ve heard of a woman thrown out of an upstairs window because she didnā€™t please the person who had paid for her. Iā€™ve heard of a grown man breaking down in floods of tears because he finds himself here, having been promised that it was a route into Europe, without any papers, any accommodation and any money. ...