Genesis 18.1-8 Today we are looking at a story of hospitality shown to some strangers. This is a story that comes from a different world: a different place and a different time. About 4000 years ago in what we know as the west bank today. We would find it a far less ābusyā world than the one we live in. The day would begin at sunrise and finish at sunset. There would be far fewer things pressing in on us and demanding our immediate attention: imagine a world without phones, or TV, or electricity or even books. And there would be far fewer encounters with strangers. So we need to beware of taking this story and transplanting it into the C21st. But there are several principles that we can draw from this story about hospitality. 1. Abraham is eager to show hospitality Notice how the theme of speed runs through the passage V2: when Abraham sees the three men standing there, he hurried to meet them V6: Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah ...
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