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Showing posts from June, 2013

Who speaks for God?

2 Kings 2:1-14 listen to ā€˜Representatives of God. 2 Kings 2ā€™ on Audioboo Elijah is one of the greats in the bible. God called him to be his representative in a dark world. It was hard. He did not have an easy message to speak. It did not make him popular. He challenged the people to stop wavering between following God and following Baal, a non-existent pagan god; to stop choosing between this god now and that god then. He confronted the whole religious establishment of the time because they misrepresented God. He even challenged King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. He declared God's judgement on them because they had introduced pagan worship into the life of Isael. King Ahab describes him as 'my enemy', and as 'the troubler of Israel'. And God confirmed his words in the way that he answered Elijah's prayers: he caused a drought for 3 years; he brought down fire from heaven; he raised a widow's son from the dead; he made the waters part ā€“ just li...

What happens when we don't get what we want?

1 Kings 21:1-21 listen to ā€˜What happens when we don't get what we want?ā€™ on Audioboo Iā€™m going to go quite deep today. What happens when we donā€™t get what we want? It could be that: You love someone ā€“ but they donā€™t love you or they are out of bounds   I like the story that is told of the man walking along the street with a friend when he sees the most stunning woman walking along the pavement on the other side of the road. He follows her with greedy eyes. His friend sighs, and says, ā€˜married with three childrenā€™. ā€˜What?ā€™ said the man, ā€˜with a figure like that, she canā€™t be?ā€™ ā€˜No you idiotā€™, said his friend, ā€˜you are!ā€™ We long to have children, but it is not possible We long to be cured, but there is no cure We long to be wealthy or famous We desperately want a new job or promotion at work We want to move ā€“ but it is just not happening We want something, but it is out of our reach It is hard for us today because we live in a world which tel...