Mark 6:45-52 Life is hard: there are discouragements, disappointments, criticisms Some of us have been on holiday, and now we have to go back to work: we have to be responsible, do things we do not wish to do, wear the uniform, look smart. The Christian life is no different: it is hard to be a Christian believer. Our society is increasingly anti-Christian; maybe our work place or family is hostile to faith; our friends are at the stage where they want to experiment or have new experiences, which is great, except God plays no part in their thinking and they want to do things against what God has said. Maybe you have lost your job, struggling with a sense of lack of worth, or with forgiveness, sickness, bereavement. It is hard living by faith, putting your total trust in an unseen God; and at times prayers seem unanswered, God seems absent and you feel forgotten. It is hard: the disciples (Jesus' followers) are being obedient to Jesus. He has told them to go to the o...
about God, life and the things that really matter