John 17:1-5 We are people who crave glory. It is very hard to define glory. But if it is hard to define, we have an intuitive understanding of what it is. We can glimpse it and we want it. It is about having your name in lights. It is about receiving honour and recognition and praise and worship and adulation – all rolled into one. We love it when others recognise us – when they recognise our value, our uniqueness, our achievement, our success, our victory. We love it when we are lifted up and honoured. It is why people dedicate hours of their life to training. So, for instance, swimmers will spend 6 or more hours each day in the pool. Why? For the possibility of the glory of winning. It is why we put ourselves forward for competitions or auditions: so that we might get the chance to shine and to be recognised. It is also why 22 million of us will watch something like the final of the X factor: the glory for the winner at the end. And the thing that makes us really sad, is that we...
about God, life and the things that really matter