Mark 7:24-30 We’re looking today at one of the more surprising incidents that is recorded in the gospels. It is in fact quite shocking to us in our very politically correct society. Jesus calls a Gentile a dog. Some of the commentators try to take the edge off it by saying that Jesus means cute, fluffy little dog. Others say that he said it with a twinkle in his eye. But those explanations don’t wash. He says, in reply to the woman’s request that he cast the unclean spirit from her daughter, ‘It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs’. How would you react if Jesus called you a dog? How would you react if people of your race were described as dogs by another people? It is an absolutely outrageous thing to say: that people who are not like you are dogs Unless of course, in one exceptional case, it is true. We have here a woman who is desperate. Her daughter is beyond help. She is not sick. Mark knows the difference between sickness and possession by
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