Matthew 3:1-12 There was no compromise about John the Baptist. John did black or white. He did not do gray. For John you were either a Kingdom of Heaven person, or a kingdom of earth person. You were either a god-person or a not-god person. You either did God, fully completely and totally, or you did not do God. He appears, and he preaches. And he says three things 1. The Kingdom of heaven, the rule of God, has come near. For over 2000 years the people of Israel – or at least those of them who believed the promises of God – had waited for God’s rule to come to earth. God had told them – through promises given to people like Abraham, through the prophets - that one day the Messiah (God’s special ruler) would be born, he would establish his reign of well-being, abundance, joy, justice and peace. And this reign would never end. Even death would be destroyed. And now John appears and proclaims: ‘The Kingdom of Heaven has come near’. John announces a new era, a new government. ...
about God, life and the things that really matter