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Showing posts from April, 2007

Good Friday 2007

John 19:31–42 “Now it was day of preparation - the next day was to be a special Sabbath”. We are in the period before the special Passover Sabbath. And at the Passover we remember how, about 4000 years earlier, the doors of the houses of the people of Israel had been daubed with the blood of a lamb, so that the angel of death would ‘pass over’ their homes and only visit the homes of the Egyptians. And in our passage, Jesus has been shown to be the Passover lamb - there is the reference to the hyssop plant (v29): the hyssop was used at the Passover feast - there is the reference to Jesus unbroken bones (v33,36): the lamb that was to be sacrificed had to be ‘without blemish’ - there is the reference to the flowing blood (v34) And in case we’ve missed the connection between Jesus’ death, and the death of the Passover lamb, we’re told that today – the day that Jesus is executed – is the day of preparation, when the sacrificial lamb is to be slaughtered. So just as the blood of the la...